Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lettuce, lettuce, and more lettuce! (and pak choi)

Through deductive reasoning, we've realized through the slow maturity of our lettuce plants that there is some nutrient deficiency in our soil, but have no fear, we're still going to have a healthy variety of lettuce (just maybe a bit later than we expected). We've got 4 varieties in total, including a mesclun mix, some romaine, some pak choi, and  tango. The mesclun and tango were some of our first planted varieties, and the pak choi we weren't able to get the germination success rate we wanted. The romaine's we've done in two waves in transplants, which should be ready to plant the weeks of the 16th and the 23rd. Aside from our radish planting, transplanting our romaine heads will be the last planting we have. 

Harvesting of lettuce should be just around the corner as well. The mesclun mix can be cut and will continue to grow, while the pakchoi, romaine and the tango will have to be harvested entirely. The tango and mesclun mixes we have are just small ones designed to supply meal hall for conferences, and we have a bigger planting of each scheduled for later this month which should be ready in time for the students to be back.

Our first wave of romaine transplants, well on their way! 

The mesclun mix looks like it is about to take off! 

The tango is a bit behind schedule but should be reaching maturity in a few weeks! 

although we didn't have the best seed success rates with the pak choi, the ones we did manage to grow look healthy and hearty

Remember, we are always looking for visitors to come to the farm! If you'd like to visit and have a tour or lend a hand, e-mail

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